Hi, I'm Mac

Computer Science Major at Clemson University.



GPA ML Model

In this project, I created a machine learning analysis on the Students Performance dataset to predict GPA using various features. I began by exploring the dataset, checking for missing values, and performing data preprocessing, including feature engineering (e.g., creating new features like "ParentalCombined" and "StudyTime_ParentalSupport"). I then split the data into training and testing sets and applied machine learning models like Linear Regression, Decision Tree, and Random Forest to predict student GPA. After training and tuning models, I evaluated their performance using metrics such as RMSE, MAE, and R², with the Random Forest model, optimized through GridSearchCV, achieving the best results. I learned how to preprocess data, engineer features, train and evaluate machine learning models, and perform model optimization using hyperparameter tuning.

I'm continuing to learn Data Science and Machine Learning. All other project here.

Skills: Data Science, Machine Learning, Statistical Analysis, Python

Jupyter Notebook

Hackathon Swift iOS app

This project was created for the Clemson 2024 Hackathon. It was our group's first time creating an iPhone app, so it was a great learning experience. This is an iPhone app that everyone can enjoy with its intuitive design. It starts with a user logging in with a Google account using Google auth. This streamlines the process and ensures better security. It is then driven by what we have coined as circles. This is your group of friends you are going to vote with. It will prompt you to create a circle or to join one with a code. If you are creating a circle, a code will be generated. This has a share feature to make it easily accessible to all your friends. It shows you as they join, and you can decide on the location you want to search for after everyone is in; it's time to swipe! Inspired by Tinder, all the restaurants in the area are shown with a star rating. You swipe right or heart the ones you like/ would want to go to and left/ press x for the ones you don't. At the end, it ranks them among all your friends so you can find you guys top pick and Munch!

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Java Checkers Game

Our year long project in software development foundations. We build a checkers game implementing models, interfaces, views, and tests.

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Book Recommender System

Built in C++, the Book Recommender System showcases object-oriented principles, advanced algorithms, and optimized data structures to deliver tailored book recommendations. Drawing data from files, the system parses and manages a list of users, books, and their respective ratings. Emphasizing efficiency and data integrity, unique book entries are maintained using sets, while maps expedite rapid data lookups. Use of vectors of object pointer insure a many to many (book and user) relationship can be maintain in a no duplicative manner. A dot-plot inspired algorithm identifies users with congruent reading tastes, serving suggestions of unread books that align with their preferences. Exception handling ensures robustness, gracefully addressing potential discrepancies like invalid ratings.

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CPSC 2120 - Data structures and Algorithms

The CPSC 2120 course focused on Data Structures and Algorithms, where various assignments and labs were completed. Assignments included implementing data structures such as a Min Heap, Queue, Stack, and a Graph, as well as solving algorithmic problems like creating an Anagram finder with a Hash Table and swapping nodes in a doubly linked list. Labs covered a wide range of topics such as linked lists, sorting algorithms (Merge and Quick Sort), spatial hashing, binary search trees, and solving algorithmic problems like the N-Queens problem and NP-Hard problems using iterative refinement.

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CPSC 2310 - Computer Organizations

Code for Computer Organizations class. All work is done in C. Learned implementation of multiple files, working with file I/O, Creating PPM Images, and Bitwise operations.

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Research Assistant at Clemson University (TRACE Research Group)

May 2024 - Present · 5 mos

Clemson, South Carolina, United States

As a member of the TRACE Research Group at Clemson University, I contribute to cutting-edge research in artificial intelligence (AI) and human-centered computing. My work focuses on enhancing human-AI collaboration, particularly in team-building scenarios. I am actively involved in developing applications and backend systems using web sockets to facilitate human-AI teaming, with a special emphasis on first responder scenarios. Our research aims to improve society's capabilities for effective human-AI teamwork.

Skills: Web Sockets, AI, Human-Centered Computing, Quantitative Research

Internship at Arc-Two Consulting, Inc.

May 2024 - Aug 2024 · 4 mos

Marietta, Georgia, United States · On-site

In my second summer at Arc-Two Consulting, I took on a leadership role in various development tasks for project Arctek. I contributed to the software development of a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool tailored for the utility industry’s asset accounting needs. I led multiple full-stack projects, managing the entire software design lifecycle and implementing production-ready features. My work included designing scalable Oracle SQL database models with a focus on normalization and contributing to the deployment of security, cloud scalability, and big data solutions.

Technologies: PL/SQL, Oracle APEX, VBA, Cloud Development, Git, JavaScript, CSS

Internship at Arc-Two Consulting, Inc.

May 2023 - Aug 2023 · 4 mos

Marietta, Georgia, United States · On-site

At Arc-Two, I've had the experience of learning hands-on the inner workings of the utility industry, delving deep into asset accounting, financial systems, and customer relationship management software. I have also had the unique opportunity to spearhead my own project, where I designed SQL database structures and implemented PL/SQL logic, data integration, and methods for customer visualization. However, I've learned the most from the journey of managing a project, from defining the requirements and conceptualizing ideas to its implementation. This has allowed me to lead in brainstorming at meetings and working with senior members.

Internship at LTN Global

Jul 2022 - Aug 2022 · 2 mos

Alpharetta, Georgia, United States · Hybrid

During my internship, I contributed to various technical projects that deepened my understanding of software development processes. I configured the company's virtual machine image, utilizing GRUB to create a custom animated boot-loading screen aligned with the company's branding. Additionally, I authored detailed Confluence documentation and flowcharts for code repositories, enhancing team collaboration and project clarity. Through daily standup meetings, I honed my communication and problem-solving skills in an Agile environment.

Technologies: Python, Linux, Virtual Machines, Git, Docker, Confluence, Jira

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